Красимир обнови решението на 26.10.2012 19:06 (преди над 12 години)
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+# ~~' by comco | ~' `~' o o /
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+class Collection
+ include Enumerable
+ Properties = [:name, :artist, :album]
+ attr_reader :songs, :names, :artists, :albums
+ # the collection is initialized by a table of hashes, representing the
+ # attributes of a specific song
+ def initialize(songs)
+ @songs = songs
+ # get the attributes of the collection by looking at the columns of the
+ # table
+ @names, @artists, @albums = *@songs.map(&:values).transpose.map(&:uniq)
+ end
+ def self.parse(text)
+ # split the input into an array of song-specific lines
+ blocks = text.each_line.map(&:chomp).each_slice(4)
+ # transform each block of lines to a hash with attributes
+ songs = blocks.map { |block| Hash[Properties.zip(block)] }
+ new songs
+ end
+ Song = Struct.new(*Properties)
+ def each
+ @songs.each do |song|
+ # for iteration, construct a new song with the required methods
+ yield Song.new(*song.values)
+ end
+ end
+ def filter(criteria)
+ filtered_songs = @songs.select(&criteria.check)
+ Collection.new filtered_songs
+ end
+ def adjoin(other)
+ merged_songs = @songs | other.songs
+ Collection.new merged_songs
+ end
+# a criteria contains a member which is a predicate for checking the criteria
+class Criteria < Struct.new(:check)
+ # base criterias definition
+ def self.name(song_name)
+ new ->(song) { song[:name] == song_name }
+ end
+ def self.artist(artist_name)
+ new ->(song) { song[:artist] == artist_name }
+ end
+ def self.album(album_name)
+ new ->(song) { song[:album] == album_name }
+ end
+ # criteria composition support
+ def !
+ Criteria.new ->(song) { not check.(song) }
+ end
+ def |(other)
+ Criteria.new ->(song) { check.(song) or other.check.(song) }
+ end
+ def &(other)
+ Criteria.new ->(song) { check.(song) and other.check.(song) }
+ end